Episode 63: Maddie Dawson, Washington Post bestselling author

Maddie Dawson chats about her latest novel, The Magic of Found Objects, already an Amazon # 1 bestseller in women’s friendship and humorous fiction, and over a thousand great reviews.


The Magic of Found Objects is a family tale of Woodstock and her uncle and missed opportunities fueled her inspiration. Along with her own experience of having two moms – which reflects the book in surprising ways.

She shares how this was a pandemic book, borne of love and being stuck at home in her pajamas.

Her writing advice centers on not quitting – her first novel took her 17 years to write and to keep the editing and the writing part as separate as you can. Be fanciful and fearless in the writing, knowing that later you will trim and fix it up. And try to separate yourself from your editor brain.

Reading wise- Maddie recommends Anne Tyler - Maddie appreciates her plotting and how character driven her books are. If she had to choose one? Maddie loves to read and re-read The Accidental Tourist. We wrap up by sharing the joy of hearing from readers.

Books Featured:

The Magic of Found Objects

Connect with Maddie:




Episode 64: Pushcart Prize nominee, Sheryl J. Bize-Boutte


Episode 62: C. D’Angelo, author of The Difference